To provide holistic support to Sanatan doctors and other healthcare professionals of the UK.
An environment which caters holistic support to Sanatan doctors and other healthcare professionals.
Dr Bhavna Pandya, as the president and Dr Sapana Bhansali as the Vice President of Sanatan Doctors Forum UK, would like to invite, welcome and introduce you to our own Sanatan Doctors' Forum. We realised the need for getting together and supporting our Sanatan doctors and other healthcare professionals during the COVID pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic hit the UK in March 2020. While Indian doctors make the main workforce of the ethnic minority medics of the NHS UK, they started facing a new challenge for support and survival while working at the front line. We acknowledge that 95% of health workers who have died due to corona illness are coming from the Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) community. We the British Sanatan doctors and the professionals constitute the largest number of the UK's BAME community professionals who had been heavily involved in working at the frontline in the pandemic.
While catching COVID illness, isolating and worrying about herself and the family during the illness, Dr Bhavna K Pandya identified the need to support Sanatan doctors and other healthcare professionals mentally and spiritually. Dr Bhavna K Pandya, chair of Medical committee of Huindu Forum of Britain and Dr Sapana Bhansali, a vice chair of the committee, actively campaigned and successfully lead the COVID-19 vaccine and support campaign for Hindu community of UK and took the challenge to set up a forum to support the doctors and healthcare community at this difficult time.
As India got hit hard with the 2nd wave of COVID-19 we realised the need for more formal work to support the Sanatan community in the UK, for their loved ones in India and to reach out to our colleagues and community in India during this challenging period. A significant number of our Sanatan doctors also contracted corona virus illness which resulted in mild to moderate and severe short and long term consequences. We understood that our Sanatan Dharmic practice and the way of life have also emotionally pushed us at the frontline to help out our beloved NHS at the time of emergency and need. We also have found from our consultation that support to our community doctors along with our cultural traditions and beliefs give a more confidential and inclusive approach without barriers and hesitation.
We are committed to continue this forum post pandemic. We are aware that our community has higher rates of morbidity and mortality from a number of long term conditions like diabetes or kidney diseases. Our forum aims to work for these issues by sharing experiences, knowledge and skills to take the initiatives to identify, highlight and resolve them. We have come together to pull forward everything we all have in common as Sanatan Doctors and other healthcare professionals with roots in India as the land of Sanatan Dharma.
The Sanatan Doctors Forum UK is formally formed on the day of Akshay Tritiya in 2021 on the 14th May. We aim to look forward while looking back and being inspired by our great Sanatan philosophy.
"On this most auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya I give my prayers and best wishes that this new forum will significantly aid British Sanatan doctors across the UK and through them all other doctors and healthcare professionals by providing to them support from a Sanatan perspective of 'vasudaiva kutumbakam', the whole world is one family" - Swamini Atmaprakashananda - Arsha Vidya UK
Please communicate with us via while we are growing and progressing to become a strong forum standing together for our Sanatan doctors and other healthcare professionals of the United Kingdom.